Category Life with Julia Jane Date May 14th, 2016

Nothing is Ordinary

“Normality is a paved road: it's comfortable to walk but no flowers grow on it.”

I come inside, wet to the knees and exhilerated. My camera is soaked and I have drops of rain in my hair. I smile and say, "I love wet dandelions..they are so pretty. Does that make me weird?" He looks at me and gently says, "You're no different than you were yesterday." kisses me on the forehead and disappears to pick up dinner. And by the way he says it, I know it's a compliment.

LOVE my husband, Mike. He makes me laugh, accepts me exactly as I am, AND goes to pick up take out.

Take Me to the Top

365 Project: Week 34

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365 Project: Week 34

Naturally Dyed Easter Eggs

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Naturally Dyed Easter Eggs

Miss Communication

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Miss Communication

Project 365: Week 36

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Project 365: Week 36

Dear Mom: A silly poem for Mother's Day

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Dear Mom:
A silly poem for Mother's Day

Happy 2016!

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Happy 2016!

365 Project: Week 23

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365 Project: Week 23

That's Some Pig

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That's Some Pig