Category Life with Julia Jane Date February 27th, 2020

DIY Bee themed third birthday party

“Bee silly. Bee honest. Bee kind.”

Last year, Lucy had a berry sweet birthday party, this year, she had a birthday party that was as sweet as honey. It's good to BEE three! 

We started with a basic idea to create a DIY bee themed birthday party for our bee obsessed baby girl. Two trips to target, an amazon order, and one search on etsy later, we were good to start decorating!

I ordered yellow paper, wool bees, honeycomb cups, yellow plates and bee bopper headbands on Amazon. Then I found bee confetti and a must have bee dress on etsy. The rest of our supplies came from Target. We wanted to make her party cute but not way over the top. (links for products below)

We started the day blowing up white balloons and just leaving them all over the floor for fun. She loved it. 

We covered the coffee table with bee boppers for the guests in place of party hats and a queen bee headband for the party girl herself. She ended up wearing her favorite flower headband instead but the guests had fun bopping around the party in their headbands. 

We found hexagon shaped plates at Target and I ended up using one as a template for the honeycomb sign I made. I used two shades of yellow construction paper from amazon and just placed them sporadically to create a little texture for the sign. Then I wrote the message in black sharpie and attached the honeycomb to the wall with masking tape. 

I hung the felt bees from the ceiling using masking tape and lemon yellow thread at varying heights. I kept most of them above the table but hung a few off of our dining room pendant lamp so that Lucy could reach up and "make them fly." They are absolutely adorable and I'm not sure I'm ever taking them down! I also think this would be a great activity for a rainy afternoon and will most likely be hanging some from the ceiling in our living room in the near future for an afternoon of endless flying fun! 

We served mac n cheese pizza for lunch (baby girl had two whole pieces!) but had some noshes for the guests that we made ourselves. Thank goodness for pinterest! Lucy got into the "honeycomb crunch" before the guests even arrived! 

I sprinkled the bee confetti all over the table and it looked so cute! I loved that it came with some actual bee and honeycomb cutouts. I separated those and made sure they were sprinkled toward the front of the table for maximum cuteness. 

We created a honey, fig, pistachio glaze for the cheese platter and it looked as good as it tasted! I heated up some fig jelly with a tiny bit of honey (I didn't want it too be TOO sweet) and then used a food processor to coarsely chop some pistachios. After pouring the fig and honey mixture over the goat cheese, I sprinkled the pistachios on top and voila! It was super simple to whip up and everyone loved it! I always try to tie the drinks into our color theme so I served peach izzes, lemon la croix, san pelligrino limonata and some lemonade in carafes. The drinks help bring the color theme together and Izzes are my go to. They come in fun colors and flavors and you can never go wrong! They all made the table look extra bright and cheery!

Lucy loves helping in the kitchen and had so much fun helping us mix and pour the honey mini cakes for her birthday table! She loves cooking and finding a simple and easy recipe that she could help with was a bonus. 

The table came together beautifully but what Lucy really wanted was an ice cream cake so, of course, we obliged!

It was a long day for our little but she had so much fun we couldn't help but dance in the sea of birthday balloons and toss some of her bee confetti after the guests left!

It sure is good to BEE three! Don't you agree?

Want to shop this post? The links below are amazon affiliate links, meaning, if you clickity over to amazon and purchase something, I receive a small commission at no cost to you. Any compensation from the link goes right into Lucy's warrior fund to help us, help her, battle retinoblastoma. You can follow along on her journey using her hashtag, #lucythewarrior on facebook and instagram. xo

Queen Bee headband

Bee Bopper headband collection  

Warm construction paper collection

felt bees I'll be buying more of these for small world play. They are so cute!

knee socks

honeycomb cups

honeycomb plates (not an affiliate link)

yellow plates

bee confetti (not an affililiate link)

bee dress (not an affiliate link)

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