It's a solid, it's a liquid, it lasts forever and kids love it. What is it? It's GOOP! The best part of all is that it is SUPER easy to make. Got cornstarch? Then you got GOOP.
The recipe is simple. 2 parts cornstarch to 1 part water. Then you can adjust to your liking. Want it thicker? Add cornstarch. Want it thinner? Add more water. I always start with 2 cups cornstarch and 1 cup water. Then, simply mix, mix, mix! The very nature of goop makes the mixing difficult but just keep scooping from the bottom up (I use a baking spatula) until it's all one consisentency. I do this part for Lucy, but if your child is a little older, go ahead and let him measure and mix! It's fun!
You can add color to the goop before or after you mix. I like to add it after and have a tie dye effect that gradually transforms into consistent color as we play with it. If you add it with the water you will have beautiful consistent color right from the beginning. Either option works!

I love having a few things out with the goop for Lucy to play with. I had tiny ducks, rabbits, and other springy charms set aside and placed them in bowls next to the goop for Lucy to discover.

In addition to charms to put in the goop, I always put out a few tools that highlight the solid/liquid qualities of the goop. Small spatulas and child sized whisks are great tools to experiment with!

Every time we make goop Lu plays for hours and keeps going back day after day! If the goop starts to dry out during the day or overnight, simply add a little water until it's back to the consisteny you want it to be! Easy Peasy!

Ready to try goop? Already tried it? Let me know in the comments! We would love to hear from you!
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Spring Charms (flowers, fruit, bows)
Food dye (or fave for everything!)
collapsing sink basin (our favorite sensory bin before we had the sensory table)