Every day I set up an activity on the coffee table for Lucy to find when she wakes up. Lately, I have been favoring simple activities that leave plenty of room for her to explore and take in whatever direction she chooses. Lucy's new favorite activity is a dice game and she is OBSESSED!
A few days ago, I put out a pile of mixed mini erasers (bugs) and two giant dice. When she woke up, I didn't give any instruction and waited to see what she would do. She immediately picked up a die, rolled it, and then started happily counting bugs to match the roll. I wasn't sure that's where the activity would go, but it was fun to see her immediately choose (and squeal over) a number game.
She played by herself for awhile and then asked me to join. We took turn rolling and counting. The activity lasted at least an hour and when we were finished she continued to play with the bug erasers (how cute are they?).
This is a great activity to put out for siblings to play together and you can make it more or less complicated depending upon interest and age of your children. More bugs and more dice can quickly turn into an addition/subtraction lesson or you can just practice sorting and counting the bugs.
I hope you enjoy! Be sure to scroll down for images of our fun morning and for links to the items we used.

Let us know if you try it and be sure to tag us instagram so we can see what kind of DIY games you come up with!
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Want more variety? Try this 1000 eraser set!
You can also find cute erasers at target. Like these! (not an affiliate link)