Flower petal soup is the perfect activity as summer fades. Our garden is beginning to droop as petals crinkle and seeds develop but there are still plenty of beautiful blooms to play with. All you need to encourage this activity is a water bin and a few kitchen utensils. All I had to say as a prompt was "let's make flower petal soup" and Lucy knew just what to do! She headed right to the garden and started gathering flowers.
A simiple invitation to play turned into 3 hours of fun and I am sure that we'll be doing it again soon!
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Our favorite sensory table (not an affiliate link)
sensory bin for outside (we love this one because we don't have to bring it in at night!)
Our favorite kitchen tools
Our favorite pots and pans
Other sensory bin favorites here and here
I also reccomend using old pots or visting your local good will to stock up on kitchen utensils to use outside!