Earlier this week, we made flower petal soup and had a blast! When we were finished, it was so pretty, we just had to find another way to use it. So we made Flower Petal Soup ICE and it was so, so, nice.
Ice is one of our favorite things to play with and you can see two of our all time favorites here and here but I think we have a new favorite! Flower petal soup ice was awesome! It was pretty, it was fun, and it gave new life to the soup that Lucy spent so long making the day before!
I used giant ice cube trays and some silicone heart molds we have and the results were better than I had hoped! Simply scoop the soup into the ice trays making sure there's enough water and enough petals and pop them in the freezer! Easy peasy! The next morning, you will have beautiful ice ready to explore.
The setup was just as simple as the creation. I put the ice in a white plastic tray, placed a metal tray next to it, poured a tiny bit of water into one side of the sensory bin, placed some kitchen utensils out and gave Lucy a few squirt bottles full of water. It didn't take long for Lucy to dive right in!
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Silicone cupcake molds (perfect to make pretty ice!)
Other sensory bin favorites here and here
We also reccomend reusing old shampoo bottles, old dish soap bottles etc. to squirt water in the sensory bin!