Category Art Date October 16th, 2020

Halloween Art Activity for Toddlers

“When witches go riding, and black cats are seen, the moon laughs and whispers, 'tis near Halloween”

Some of the best decorations are homemade and right now, I am in love with the door frames in our home. Our spider art activity lasted a larg part of the morning. What is better than giving kids free reign of glitter and glue? Nothing. She went full speed ahead and pretty soon, we had a collection of THE CUTEST spiders that I hope will be hanging at Halloween for years to come! She was so engrossed, I finished the laundry, made some homemade lara bars and drank my tea while it was still hot! 

Bonus Tip: Egg containers make GREAT organizers for things like glue, glitter, sequins, and googly eyes! I always have a few to use for activities just like this! It keeps everything organized but also lets you control how much glitter is available  and in my experience keeps it from getting totally out of control. 

Second bonus tip: Put a small amount of glue in a cup (or one of the egg cartons). It makes for much easier clean up and using the brush encourages fine motor developement! :) 

Want to shop this post? The links below are amazon affiliate links which means, if you clickity over to amazon and purchase anything, I receive a small commission at no cost to you. Any compensation from the link goes right into Lucy's warrior fund to help us, help her, battle retinoblastoma. You can follow along on her journey using her hashtag, #lucythewarrior on facebook and instagram.  xoxo

felt spiders (not an affiliate link)

chalk markers 

googly eyes

glitter glue

hot pink extra fine glitter

black glitter


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