Lucy is obsessed with snowmen. We have been reading Sneezy the Snowman and The Snowman over and over and over again and we started incorporating a lot of snowmen into our drawings and our small world play recently. I have been seeing bicarbonate play all over my instagram feed and finally got to try it! Remember how much fun baking soda and vinegar volcanoes were? Moms have recently taken it to a whole new level and it's so much fun! I googled baking soda melting snowmen and was not disappointed. There were lots of ideas out there! I decided to model mine off one I found on Little Bins for Little Hands and they turned out SO CUTE!
I made them at night so that Lucy could experiment first thing in the morning when she woke up. They are super easy to make and so much fun to melt! I used an entire box of baking soda, plenty of glitter and simply added splashes of water until it was the consistency I wanted, crumbly, but moldable. I made pancake like discs on a paper plate and added felt triangles and googly eyes before popping them in the freezer. In the morning, I let them warm up for a few minutes and they came right off the plate for easy play.
I set out a beaker, two droppers, a cup, and a spoon for her to experiment with. The snowmen were placed on a large white serving platter one at a time along with a measuring cup full of vinegar. Then I let her have fun with the fizzing, melting snowmen! She LOVED it! And then she played with the "melted" snowmen long after the baking soda had disappeared.
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The Snowman (pull out pop up book)