Category Art Date February 11th, 2021

Tie Dye paper towel hearts

Last April, Lucy gleefully unrolled an entire roll of paper towels throughout the house, and, in that moment, one of our favorite art activities was born: Painting with squirt bottles

Recently, another roll of paper towels was gleefully unrolled and I've been saving the towels for a special day. This time, I decided to cut the towels into hearts so that Lucy could create window decorations. They turned out very pretty!

I filled each squirt bottle 3/4 of the way full and added about 5-7 drops of food coloring per bottle. 

Next, I cut hearts from the sheets of paper towels.

When Lucy woke up in the morning, the tie dye project was waiting and she got right to work! 

After each heart was finished, I pressed them inbetween two wash clothes to maintin the pattern Lucy created while also getting rid of the excess water. 

Next, I hung them up to dry. 

Finally, we hung them in the windows! It's a super simple activity that Lucy loves and they look really pretty when the light shines through them!

I hope you enjoy this activity. It's simple, enjoyable, and looks so pretty when it's finished! Be sure to tag us on IG (@juliajanekids) if you try it out! We'd love to see your decorations! 

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condiment bottles

food coloring

metal tray


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